As a petite woman, it can be tricky finding a pair of either baggy or relaxed jeans that don’t feel and look overwhelming on my small frame. However, and as I’ve mentioned before, there is no style or trend I’ve ever turned down because of that. If I like it, I know I’ll find the perfect piece for me!
The Best Relaxed Fit Jeans

My tips for finding the best fit when you have a petite and/or short frame
- I usually go for styles that hit right at the top of my foot or just barely brushing the ground.
- If you do want them longer, I’d look for styles that only fold once over your foot-not too much extra fabric by your ankle.
- I gravitate towards high-waist styles to elongate my legs.
- I look for styles that don’t have too much extra fabric around the knees. If they have the same amount of relaxed fit from below the tush down to the ankle, those tend to look best on my frame.